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Editorial Calendar

October Example

One of the biggest assets to Ryan's Recamovie is the utilization of an editorial calendar. While not 100% followed, it serves as an excellent template for what must be discussed weekly. Naturally, the rest of the calendar stems from what the blog topic is. However, Ryan puts a lot of emphasis on surrounding environment to influence the weekly subject. For instance, Halloween was obviously used at the end of October. The post may have been last second changed to "Best Costumes Inspired by the Best Films," but it still speaks to reader's readiness for the upcoming holiday. The change mainly stemmed from distinction of competitors. "I mean, seriously, how many top 5 Halloween movie lists do people see every October? I thought, 'why not combine the two common lists of best costumes and best movies?'" This was another big topic factor, hence why Ryan addressed the sad case of the dead Hollywood stars from 2016, and revamped it into a honorary favorites list.

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